How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

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How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by ChrisG » Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:27 am

I'm thinking about buying an iPad 4 64gb, upgrading from my iPad 2. Main reason being my current iPad is only the 16gb (13,8gb) version. But also because of Auria. I'm mostly interested in how the editing window performs. How much smoother is it, has anyone done any comparisons or seen any comparison videos around? You know when you scroll horizontally it's smooth as butter but really kinda struggles when scrolling vertically or zooming around, is there a huge (read $800) difference compared to iPads 2/3s older A5 CPU or just a minor bump?

Also I bought the Saturn plugin the other day and if your on iPad 2/3 you're gonna be best friends with the freeze button! But I've gattered the performance is basically doubled when it comes to the audio and the plugs?

I was gonna wait for the iPad 5, but not really sure anymore since I have to keep managing the small storage on my current iPad. Someone push me over the edge. Or not. :?: :shock:

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by CEIsar » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:21 am

edit screen:

depends on how you work.i'm an electronic musician so most of my tracks in a song are loop based (4-8 bars long).
It was (on an iPad 2) a pain in the ass to work with the edit screen this way.Even with Waveform view disabled.
yes,It's much more responsiv on an iPad 4 But it's still not smooth as butter.I was a bit disappointed to realize this
when i opened only medium sized,arranged projects.On big projects it's still a bit annoying so i had to change my workflow.
The files i bounce out of Beatmaker or IPolysix or...whatever are much longer now (arround 1.30 min each).
In this case i can work relaxed most of the time without being pissed of about the old sluggishness all the time :)
Although it still could be better,the editor speed of Multitrack or Beatmaker is still distinctly ahead (ok,not fair.BM's waveform view
is quite cheap and MDAW only horizontal zoom).I mean,not only the CPU of an iPad 4 is doubled,the GPU as well.Should be enough power now.But Rim knows all of this very well because i cried here often enough about the edit screen :)
I think they gonna improve it more and more but now i can work so i can practice patience.They should fix all the bugs
first.Ah yeah,and bring on MIDI 8)

CPU Power:

you will be pleased,it's more then doubled.i had a project that took 52% on an iPad 2 and 20% on my iPad 4 now.
i'm working a lot with Fabfilter and PSP plugins without thinking about it After the first week of ipad 4 i even switched
of the CPU meter.But i don't use 96khz.I,m working in 24 Bit and 48 or 44,1.Mostly I use the Channelstrip on nearly all tracks,convo reverb and delay as aux,multiple instances of Pro EQ (zero latency mode),Old Timer,Micro Warmer...and Timeless and Volcano on top.
All without trouble and still room for more.Allthough the Fabfilter plugs can be very hungry if you use their highest quality seetings or all 4 filters of volcano.Last:i use the mixer in 32 not 64 bit mode.

All in all i definitely did not regret to buy the iPad 4 and i'm not lurking for an iPad 5.And i bought it for similar reasons,mainly for Auria and Audiobus.
I don't know exactly what it is but i'm able to make better (pre)masterings in Auria than in Logic now.Pleasure to work with.
Sounds more"fresh"and natural to me.Well,hard to describe in english for me :)
iPad Air 2 - WiFI - 128GB - iOS 9.1 - Auria Pro 2.01 - Roland Duo Capture EX

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by drock » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:37 am

Its great! I mean, its hard to quantify how much smoother it is but once I loaded up a project and started moving around, I was HIGHLY impressed! Really, it should be the new standard for working with Auria. Vertically and horizontally, its SO much more responsive and workable. Overall, its just faster in every way shape and form. I, too, have the 64 gig version. I had to cuz I'm recording real instruments (8 tracks of drums at a time) at 96K. I was getting 'disk overload' errors with the iPad 3 32GB, which was full of a ton of apps and junk. The new 4 I keep really empty, dedicated it Auria recording. Also, the lightning connection fits way better...much more 'snap' and solidity to it with the 'lightning to usb adapter'. My vote is - get it!!

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by ChrisG » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:49 am

Thanks CEIsar! Definitely helped a bit.

I mainly do electronic stuff with Auria too, copy/pasting from other apps or importing audio from Cubase. So there's a lot of copy pasting and moving around/editing smaller loops and regions, and it's a painful workflow on an iPad 2. But it sounds like you are having a much better experience with the iPad 4 and don't get the rip-your-hair-out feeling when working the edit window. All stuff I've been doing has been less then 10 or less tracks, but it seems like its just as sluggish using 4 tracks or 10 tracks (at least on iPad 2).

The audio part sounds really good since you're getting more then double performance! I know even the iPad 4 will struggle with a bunch of high end plugs like FabFilters stuff. But I'll be happy if I at least can go nuts on one plugin without reaching 80+ % CPU usage and still have room for more "basic" effects.

Man I'm undecided tho...I'm gonna need to sell of some junk I don't really use anymore. Wished I could sneak-install Auria on an iPad 4 demo ex, don't wanna get that "I just spent 800 bucks and its still sluggish" feeling. Decisions, decisions! *FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS*

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by ChrisG » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:53 am

Drock, thanks! Does sound good. Yea I got the iPhone 5 so the lightning connection will definitely be a plus having on both devices.

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by CEIsar » Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:11 am

i would like to add: it's not only the pinch zoom that is more responsive,it's the overall handling!
It was driving me nuts to reset the play position (double tap on play) on ipad 2.Sometimes i pressed it 5-6 times before it responded :)

Usually i'm working with 15-20 tracks without problems and even with a lot of different effects and heavy automation i never used the freeze function (yet).I have definitely enough power for relaxed working now without having to struggle with the CPU limit.

Like you i still do smaller edits while i arrange my stuff but it if you copy/paste longer loops and cut your peaces out of them (in auria) you won't get in much trouble.It' can be noticeably slower yes,but It's really ok (for)now.And i'm very picky as well about a too sluggish window.I hate it to slow down my workflow just because the program is to slow to follow my instructions immediately :)

If apple would release an iPad with more power in march,i would wait.But it seems that's not gonna happen.Maybe even not in october.There are a few rumours about smaller/thinner size and bigger storage (128GB)but that's it.And i think they are currently not able to increase the cpu and gpu dramatically without having a negativ effect on battery and temperature.
iPad Air 2 - WiFI - 128GB - iOS 9.1 - Auria Pro 2.01 - Roland Duo Capture EX

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by drock » Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:51 am

Ironically, Apple just released a 128GB iPad 4 for the same price as the current 64 gig. So, there ya go. In fact, they quoted Rim in the official press release. Rim posted it early today.

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by ChrisG » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:12 am

Thanks CEIsar.

Yea I noticed a new iPad got announced so might hold of just a bit!

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by boone51 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:23 am

128 GB model is 799 or 929 depending on 4G. Current 64 GB model is 699 or 829 respectively. Just something to keep in mind when making purchasing decisions.

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by ChrisG » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:32 am

Yep. I'm guessing stores might lower the price at least somewhat on the 64gb when they get 128 version in stock.

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by boone51 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:41 am

Have you met Apple before? I love them to death, but I'm pretty sure if they could find a way to raise the price they would. I wouldn't hold my breath for a price drop on the hottest product they have going. ;-)

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by ChrisG » Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:05 am

You're prob right. And they do charge for the memory and not the specs, after all. I was thinking more about local stores shaving of a few pennies to compete for more customers etc in the coming weeks. 8)

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by boone51 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:35 am

Yeah, I'm still kicking myself for not jumping on the 60 dollars off at Best Buy during the Black Friday sales. I would guess that the arrival of the 128 GB iPad squashes some of those rumors about a March iPad 5 release date. Won't count on that refurb 4 either I guess.

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by Geronimo » Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:08 pm

I'm waiting until march. When the iPad 5 is not arriving then, i'll order an iPad 4. And switch it for a 5, whenever it arrives :D

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Re: How does Auria perform on an iPad 4?

Post by Trueyorky » Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:39 pm

Just to add... I upgraded from iPad 1 to 3 because of Auria - it deserved (and needed) the extra power. Being such a lucky guy I now also have iPad 4 and the difference again is incredible. Whether it is Auria, AudioBus or whatever the iPad 4 handles everything I throw at it :D

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