Can't transfer guitr plugin presets from one ipad to another

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Can't transfer guitr plugin presets from one ipad to another

Post by Brozr » Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:08 pm

My brother and I recently both bought Auria and then also the Overloud guitar plugin. They are awesome, however...

We're doing an album (mostly) on Auria. He lives in MA I am in Colorado.

We can't sem to transfer the plugin preset we created and saved on his ipad (saved as robros preset.pre) during his recent visit...(many many hours spent tweaking various amp/pedal combos) over to to my ipad.

We've tried using iTunes but there's no way to drop the preset I copied from his ipad to a flashdrive back into into the "Presets" folder > sub-folder called "Gain" on MY ipad. It only copies over to root but ... I need to obviously get it into the correct subfolder... but how???

I'm totally dumbfounded we can't do this.

Please help... many wasted hours on something pretty basic.


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Re: Can't transfer guitr plugin presets from one ipad to ano

Post by Rim » Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:21 pm

No problem. This issue is due to the fact that iTunes doesn't allow you to copy folders, only files. The workaround is to create the folder structure you want on your computer, add your preset file, then zip that entire folder and copy the zip to Auria. Auria is smart enough to detect there's a zip file and unzip it, preserving your entire folder structure.


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Re: Can't transfer guitr plugin presets from one ipad to ano

Post by Brozr » Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:40 pm

Thanks for the quick reply Rim.

Must be doing something wrong or I don't understand or wrongly assumed where plugin presets are actually stored.

I did exactly as you said... zipped the file in the correct structure, copied it back into Auria and it sure enough shows up there and unzips (after a minute or two), and even though I can't see the files it's showing 20k where it was zero... plus I can copy it back to desktop and lo and behold... so that's all good.

But when I open up the Overloud guitar plug in Auria I see the (four program) default presets but no sign of my (newly imported) preset.

I must still be missing something here?


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Re: Can't transfer guitr plugin presets from one ipad to ano

Post by mtingle » Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:16 pm

Brozr wrote:Thanks for the quick reply Rim.

Must be doing something wrong or I don't understand or wrongly assumed where plugin presets are actually stored.

I did exactly as you said... zipped the file in the correct structure, copied it back into Auria and it sure enough shows up there and unzips (after a minute or two), and even though I can't see the files it's showing 20k where it was zero... plus I can copy it back to desktop and lo and behold... so that's all good.

But when I open up the Overloud guitar plug in Auria I see the (four program) default presets but no sign of my (newly imported) preset.

I must still be missing something here?

for some reason THM files are stored in the library folder inside Auria and not the presets folder as one would expect.

Perhaps this might be corrected at some point by the THM plugin devs.

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Re: Can't transfer guitr plugin presets from one ipad to ano

Post by Rim » Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:31 pm

THM and Fabfilter use their own preset system... But if you create a preset using the Auria preset system (even in THM), it should work.


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Re: Can't transfer guitr plugin presets from one ipad to ano

Post by Brozr » Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:04 pm


I can't find any "Library" file/folder anywhere in Auria??

... even after creating a test user plugin patch, to see where it might go or if that were necessary to do first.

I have no idea where to put my preset file. And I have no idea where those THM files are stored. They are not in ANY folder that I can find through iTunes or from within Auria.

Please enlighten further. I am lost here. This is incredibly frustrating.


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Re: Can't transfer guitr plugin presets from one ipad to ano

Post by Brozr » Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:05 pm

I found that a THM file IS created when I create a new patch in both the MACOSX folder AND in a folder called Presets. (Took an hour before I realized it was being created in BOTH places.??)

So I created a new patch called "robros preset.pre" then replaced that file with my original file (that I am trying to get copied into Auria.)

After doing all your instructions multiple times -- i.e.overwriting the file into correct structures ... re zipping ... uploading via iTunes (after deleting the old files) trying every combo I could think of. etc etc etc

Nothing but Nothing worked... unreal. Totally stymied.

The file is there but "whatever is pointing to it" and/or whatever "glue" it needs... ISN'T.

Outta my league.


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Re: Can't transfer guitr plugin presets from one ipad to ano

Post by Rim » Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:10 pm

Forget about the library folder. I have no idea how THM stores it's own internal presets ;) You'd need to ask Overloud about that. But, as I mentioned earlier, if you use the Auria preset system (the preset box above the plugin window), Auria will create a new preset in the Presets folder, which you can then copy out.

You can just ignore the MacOS folder, it's not important. The file you need to copy is in the Presets folder.


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Re: Can't transfer guitr plugin presets from one ipad to ano

Post by Rim » Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:18 pm

Here are the steps to do this:

1. Create a new preset on iPad #1 using Auria's preset system (above the THM plugin window).
2. Use iTunes to copy the presets folder to your computer
3. Zip the folder you copied over
4. Connect iPad #2 to your computer
5. Copy the zip file onto the iPad
6. Make sure the iPad unzips the file (you'll see a message that says "uncompressing")
7. Close and re-open Auria. Do this by closing Auria, then double click on the home button, find Auria and close it.

The last step is important because THM won't read it's preset file until you relaunch Auria.


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Re: Can't transfer guitr plugin presets from one ipad to ano

Post by Brozr » Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:50 am


U da man! Thank you.

I had really not understood clearly the issue of Auria's preset system vs THM's but I get it now. Thanks for persevering!

Once I got that, I discovered that we had actually (inadvertently and by luck) saved one of our amp configurations using the Auria preset save. (I had been looking for our patches in the THM area). As a heads up to other users who might run into this issue: only single patches are saved using Auria preset save... so we had basically one out of three patches we had created in the "preset file". (But until I saw THAT file I honestly didn't know what you were talking about in your previous emails.!)

The good news is of course being able to actually transfer patches from one iPad to another, albeit... one patch at a time. Hopefully THM will implement a way for users to actually export settings/patches and not put them through the kind of "nar" I just went through!

My bro's busy saving/emailing me the other two right now which I now clearly understand (thanks to your help) how to export/import (and THEN save within THM's system).


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