Minor recording issues

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Minor recording issues

Post by GreyMediumMild » Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:18 pm

Hey there! Since the 1.09 update there have been a lot of bug fixes and additional features that have made Auria a total pleasure to work with. Thanks again Rim & co!

There are still a few recording bugs that come up every once in a while though

1. Beginning of recordings incorrectly snapped. Usually i'll have the 1/4 snap set and when i press the record button it incorrectly snaps to the nearest bar (either before or after) instead of where I have my playhead located or snap set to. Happens with Audiobus and regular recordings alike.

2. Disable FX while recording issue. This feature works wonderfully, but if you forget to disable a track that's recording and close Auria (or if it crashes,or if the ipad locks after sitting for a while, etc), the next time you open that project you have to manually enable all disabled FX. A chore on big projects. This would go in line with the disable/enable FX feature talked about on other threads.

3. Automatic Audiobus track on opened projects. If I accidentally don't have the right project loaded when I set up audiobus and decide to load a different one, Auria wont automatically create the audiobus track, which means I have to take care of all that input matrix mumbo jumbo.

For now, those are the only ones I can think of. Maybe for 1.10 release?

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Re: Minor recording issues

Post by Rim » Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:16 pm

Thanks for the reports, I appreciate it.

Do you have Count-in turned on when you notice the playhead snapping? If so, this is by design. In order for the metronome to be continuous after the count-in is finished, Auria needs to start on a bar boundary, so it snaps to the nearest bar before starting. Otherwise, you'd hear the count-in, then the timing would be off.

I'm not sure I want to have Auria automatically create new tracks when a project is loaded. You'd end up with a lot of extra tracks each time you load your projects (for example if you forget that Audiobus is running in the background).


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Re: Minor recording issues

Post by GreyMediumMild » Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:46 am

ah, i see. yeah, for some reason I thought that the count-in would count you into the recording - As long as you are on a quarter beat. Maybe some other daw's have this functionality? I'll research a bit...

Gotcha with Audiobus as well. Sounds like it could get messy huh

Disabling/enabling Fx still feels like a good feature to have though.

thanks again

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