Do you still have to backup files before reinstall?

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Do you still have to backup files before reinstall?

Post by tgb123987 » Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:56 am

Thinking of reinstalling Auria because I am missing out on fabfilter twin 2... just wondering if I still need to backup all my projects, or does the apple files app keep all the files? Also, if I do backup all my projects, will everything work properly? (Plugins, presets etc)

Corey W
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Re: Do you still have to backup files before reinstall?

Post by Corey W » Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:48 pm

Nothing will get automatically saved or remain in the Auria Documents folder if you delete Auria from your iPad. The Apple Files app can assist with backing up your files and projects by allowing you to move the important files/folders to DropBox (or any other cloud service you use that is supported in Files).
Restoring your projects in a reinstall of Auria should present no issues as long as you properly backup and restore all of your files, folders and in-app purchases made from the Auria Store. Any custom presets you have in your plugins, make sure to save these and and then backup the 'Presets' folder when you are backing up all of your files and folders.
For an extra step of security, you can also take screen shots of all of your channel strips and plugin settings just in case something should get lost. These screenshot photos will be in Camera Roll and will not be deleted when you erase Auria.

Let me know if this helps.

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